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Monday, May 6, 2013

Words from Hawthorne

the GREAT Hawthorne said: ""Do studies, not pictures. Know when you are licked — start another. Be alive, stop when your interest is lost. Put off finish — make a lot of starts. It is so hard and so long before a student comes to a realization that these few large simple spots in right relations are the most important things in the study of painting. They are the fundamentals of all painting.Paint the color tones as they come against each other, and make them sing, vibrate. Don't ask me to look at those self-satisfied, pretty things.
Realize the value of putting down your first impression quickly. Swing a bigger brush — you don't know what you're missing. Paint what you see, not what you know.The ring, the call, the surprise, the shock that you have out-of-doors — be always looking for the unexpected in nature, do not settle to a formula.Painting is just like making an after-dinner speech. If you want to be remembered, say one thing and stop.To see things simply is the hardest thing in the world." [AND MORE in "Hawthorne on Painting"]

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Painting Roseate Spoonbill birds

I have always loved these birds.  When we moved to Fl, we chose this area (Tampa Bay) randomly, without realizing this is where they nest the most

I live by the river, and, for many years, have been delighted to see these beautiful birds fly around my house.  I watch every year during spring how they gather small branches from trees to make their nests.

Right behind my house there is a little island (bird sanctuary)  where they take care of their nests and chicks.  I have taken so many many photos of these birds.  Very often I take a canoe ride to the sanctuary to see how the chicks are growing.  I always come back home so impressed with their beauty,  with hundreds of picks and ideas of how to capture them in my canvas.

Roseate Spoonbills are very colorful birds, shy and sensitive.  They feed by touch, with their spatulate bill, which shuts quickly when touched by prey.  They nest in the Florida Keys and the Tampa area.

I painted a triptic  (which make a three panel screen).  I wanted to make something special when painting these wonderful birds.

The painting appears in the American Art Collector magazine, may issue (2013).  I am very happy to have this painting published in such a great magazine.

I want to share some of the photos of this sanctuary showing the Roseate Spoonbills in their natural habitat.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Painting the gesture of a Tree

Monday, April 8.

I went to paint to Marina Jack, Sarasota.  As always,  when I start to paint plein air, I get a little overwhelmed by so much information out there.  After spending a whole week doing the Paint the Town event, I decided to concentrate on a single matter and keep it simple.  I really enjoyed painting this small yellow tree over looking the Sarasota Bay.  I just realized again how much practice to get the great gesture of a tree.  I need to keep practicing!

American Art Collector

Available pretty soon in stores;

Very, very excited to appear in an article of the upcoming AMERICAN ART COLLECTOR ISSUE!!!!!, may issue. The digital version is already out. The hard copies will be available in stores soon. The article (Artist Focus section) features my journey as a painter and several images of my work!! Thanks American Art Collector!!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Paint the Town Contest, Bradenton FL

Honorable Mention. Contest Paint the Town, Bradenton. Reception at Art Center Manattee today. Great painters and paintings! four days of plein air painting, lots, lots of fun!!!  My painting:  Going for a sail, Oil on canvas 11 x 14

Monday, March 25, 2013

Southwest Art Magazine

Very very happy to have my artist bio and several images of my paintings published in the SouthwestArt magazine, april issue. covering the WPSE upcoming exhibition in Franklin TN next month.

Digital copy:

SouthwestArt Magazine